Control Centrally
Change SOP Instantly
While you will be displaying different SOPs on different stations on a single line or within a single area, you will be able to centrally change them and manage them instantly. No downtime.
Train Manpower On-the-job
Maintain Manpower Skills Despite Churn
As contractual manpower churns out quickly, keeping the new joiners trained is a challenge. Use digital SOPs to training them on-the-job.
Use Digital Checklists
Maintain Historical Data for Analytics and Audit
Same displays can be used by operators to fill checklists digitally at the time of change-over or setup. Same checklists can be sent digitally to supervisors for approval and then stored historically to perform insight analytics.

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This solution can be used for remotely monitoring and controlling any PLC operated machine. It could be a boiler, compressor, elevator or any other normal production or special purpose machine.
This IIoT solution offers at least 5 layers of security. Devices which are allowed to monitor or control the machines, are pre-authorized. They communicate over a VPN, use data encryption and have access rights based user authentication.
You can completely replicate your local HMI on the web application. You can perform all the HMI functions remotely.
Yes, you can monitor all your machines, spread across multiple locations, in a single dashboard.
Yes, it is a web-based scada system.
Yes, you can store all your historical machine data on cloud. This can be further used troubleshooting and root cause analysis.
One the data is stored in cloud database, you are able to get daily and monthly reports either on web or directly in your email inbox. These reports can be customized as per your needs.
Hardware cost is onetime. Software pricing is SaaS based. That is annual recurring cost.